300W Digital Stereo Receiver System - AM FM Qtz Synthesized Tuner USB SD Card MP3 Player and Subwoofer Control A B Speaker iPod MP3 Input w Karaoke Cable

AM/FM MODE: This amplifier has an AM & FM antenna for the signal. It also has auto station seek helps you to enjoy listening to your favorite stations w/ capable of storing up to 50 radio station presets & quartz tuner to enjoy listening. 300W POWER OUTPUT: With a maximum output of 300 watts, the PT270AIU has the power to fill your room with sound. This amplifier also has the brilliant digital fluorescent display comes in clear and shows vivid information. 4 STEREO RCA INPUTS: 3 Stereo RCA inputs along with 1 RCA stereo input for play media. SD memory & USB ports will also let you play your favorite media. It also has 2 1/4 inch mic inputs & mic volume, tone & echo controls for voice effects. MP3 PLAYER PLUG-IN: With this amplifier, you can enjoy listening to your favorite music. It has an iPod docking station, suitable for all iPod & iPhone models. W/ this docking station, you can connect your iPod while listening to different music. A/B SPEAKER OUT SWITCH: This amplifier includes banana-plug speaker terminals, plus two mono RCA outputs which made for the subwoofer output, w/ its own separate gain control. It controls multiple sets of speakers w/ the A/B speaker out switch. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word 300W, or the term Digital, the word Stereo, the term Receiver, the word System, the term AM, the word FM or some other term.

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Price: $94.99
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For additional information on 300W Digital Stereo Receiver System - AM FM Qtz Synthesized Tuner USB SD Card MP3 Player and Subwoofer Control A B Speaker iPod MP3 Input w Karaoke Cable, click the featured item link above.