Melissa and Doug 20 Wooden Animal Magnets in a Box - Cute Animal Fridge Refrigerator Magnets For Toddlers Ages 2+ Melissa and Doug

WOODEN ANIMAL MAGNETS SET: The Melissa & Doug Wooden Animal Magnets set is an educational developmental toy that includes 20 favorite and familiar animals to manipulate and move around on magnetic surfaces. IDEAL FOR HOME AND TRAVEL: Our animal magnets for kids can be easily packed inside the included durable wooden storage case. This allows kids to bring their animal magnet set on the road. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: This farm animal magnets set is made from high-quality materials and assembled with precision manufacturing standards, which ensures sturdy construction that holds up against frequent use. GIFT FOR KIDS 2 TO 4 YEARS: This set is an educational gift for kids ages 2 to 4 years. Add the Melissa & Doug Wooden Alphabet Magnets set to round out the hands-on play experience and to give kids an engaging option for screen-free fun. “THE GOLD STANDARD IN CHILDHOOD PLAY”: For more than 30 years, Melissa & Doug has created beautifully designed imagination- and creativity-sparking products that NBC News called “the gold standard in early childhood play.”. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Melissa, or the term Doug, the word Wooden, the term Animal, the word Magnets, the term Box, the word Cute or some other term.

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Price: $10.49
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For additional information on Melissa and Doug 20 Wooden Animal Magnets in a Box - Cute Animal Fridge Refrigerator Magnets For Toddlers Ages 2+ Melissa and Doug, click the featured item link above.