BLACK+DECKER 4V MAX* Cordless screwdriver BDCS20C

COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHT – Provides access to tight spaces. INLINE GRIP – For added comfort and control. ATTACHMENT COMPATIBLE – Designed for compatibility with future BLACK+DECKER attachments. POWERFUL OPERATION – Supplies 180 rpm and 35 in-lb of torque for many household applications. 4V MAX* LITHIUM ION BATTERY – Rechargeable for cordless convenience. INCLUDES – (1) BDCS20C 4V MAX* cordless screwdriver.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word BLACK, or the term DECKER, the word 4V, the term MAX, the word Cordless, the term screwdriver, the word BDCS20C or some other term.

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Price: $23.99
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