PORTER-CABLE Impact Wrench 7.5-Amp 450 lbs of Torque 1 2 Inch Corded PCE211

COMPLETE DEMANDING JOBS WITH EASE: 7-1/2 Amp motor built for intense work. EASILY INSTALL AND DETACH HEAVY FASTENERS with 450 ft-lbs of torque. HIGH OUTPUT AND SPEED: Up to 2,200 RPM and 2,700 BPM for enhanced efficiency. QUICK SOCKET CHANGES with 1/2 in hog ring anvil. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word PORTER, or the term CABLE, the word Impact, the term Wrench, the word 450, the term lbs, the word Torque or some other term.

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Price: $79.00
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For additional information on PORTER-CABLE Impact Wrench 7.5-Amp 450 lbs of Torque 1 2 Inch Corded PCE211, click the featured item link above.