GJY 9.5-Inch Portable Widescreen TV Built in Digital Tuner+NTSCUSB TF Card Slot Headphone Inputswith Detachable AntennasAutomotive Mobile TVFull Function

9.5 Inch portable widescreen TV, Resolution: 800 x 480, Ratio: 16:9. Through the antenna, USB input, TF card reader, AV input and other options to provide clear images. Full function remote control. The built-in digital TV Tuner: ATSC, Analog TV Tuner: PAL, SECAM and NTSC. Power: DC 12V / 1A, TV built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Can be used outdoors. There are two chargers, A car charger and a plug-in charger. Let you watch your favorite shows anytime, Anywhere, At home or on the go. Support formats: AVI, MP3, WMA, JPEG Photos, Etc. AC / DC Operation: AV input jack, Headphone jack, Built-in loudspeaker. The TV set has 2 stents (The TV comes with a support bracket + Removable bracket) equipped with a car head pillow bag, Which is suitable for automobile travel.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word GJY, or the term Portable, the word Widescreen, the term TV, the word Built, the term Digital, the word Tuner or some other term.

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