Relative Insanity -- Hilarious Party Game -- From Comedian Jeff Foxworthy -- Ages 14-plus -- 4-plus Players

HILARIOUS SETUP—In Relative Insanity, you read a setup card aloud, like “When my brother brought out his new baby to show the family, Granny blurted out…”. PERFECT PUNCHLINES—Then everyone else chooses one of their punchline cards to finish the phrase, like maybe “You are not the father.” or “I just vomited a little bit in my mouth.”. FUNNIEST REIGNS SUPREME—The reader picks the one they think is the funniest, and that player gets a point. ALWAYS A LAUGH—It’s a different hilarious game each time you play. FUN PARTY GAME—For 4 to 12 players, ages 14 to adult.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Relative, or the term Insanity, the word Hilarious, the term Party, the word Game, the term Comedian, the word Jeff or some other term.

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Price: $6.17
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For additional information on Relative Insanity -- Hilarious Party Game -- From Comedian Jeff Foxworthy -- Ages 14-plus -- 4-plus Players, click the featured item link above.