UpCircleSeven Aerial Yoga Swing Set - Ceiling Mount Accessories and eBook -Yoga Hammock Sling Kit - Antigravity Ceiling Hanging Yoga Sling - Inversion Swing

Innovative Design - 25% larger & more comfortable thick padded foam handles along with a spacious triple stitched swing seat pushes the boundaries of comfort during any yoga swing exercise. Easy to Assemble - Includes 2 Multi-loop extension straps with a load capacity of 550 lbs to ensure your safety on any of our aerial yoga hammocks. Relieve Your Back Pain - Whether using it for inversion therapy for spinal decompression or building upper body strength, it’s sure to invigorate your back & health. It’s Perfect for kids too. Not Included - Ceiling mount accessories NOT included. Must be purchased separately if required for hanging. #1 Consumer Favorite Yoga Swing on Amazon - Heal your back or have fun doing yoga. Get the best yoga swing that is trusted & approved nationwide by your very own fellow yogis.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word UpCircleSeven, or the term Aerial, the word Yoga, the term Swing, the word Set, the term Ceiling, the word Mount or some other term.

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For additional information on UpCircleSeven Aerial Yoga Swing Set - Ceiling Mount Accessories and eBook -Yoga Hammock Sling Kit - Antigravity Ceiling Hanging Yoga Sling - Inversion Swing, click the featured item link above.