CamelBak eddy Kids Water Bottle - CamelBak Kids Big Bite Valve - Spill Proof - Water Bottle For Kids - BPA-Free Water Bottle - 12oz

KIDS’ SPILL-PROOF WATER BOTTLE: The CamelBak Eddy 0.4-Liter Kids’ Water Bottle is specifically designed for smaller hands to use. It features easy-to-use parts and is made from high-quality, safe, and easy-to-clean materials. JUST THE RIGHT BITE: This water bottle for kids combines the patented CamelBak Big Bite Valve with a stem tube and shut-off valve. This detachable one-piece component is simple for kids to use and simple for parents to clean. BPA-FREE MATERIALS: The Eddy 12-ounce kids’ water bottle is made from Tritan plastic that is 100% free of BPA, BPS, and BPF. It’s dishwasher safe, and all parts are easy to remove for simple clean-up. COLORFUL AND PRACTICAL: CamelBak has developed this Eddy kids’ water bottle with a spill-resistant design and fun graphics to keep you and your kids happy and hydrated. The simplified stem and straw are child-safe yet easy to remove for cleaning. IF WE BUILD IT – WE’LL BAK IT: Our Got Your Bak Lifetime Guarantee covers all reservoirs, backpacks, bottles, and accessories from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the product.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word CamelBak, or the term eddy, the word Kids, the term Water, the word Bottle, the term Big, the word Bite or some other term.

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For additional information on CamelBak eddy Kids Water Bottle - CamelBak Kids Big Bite Valve - Spill Proof - Water Bottle For Kids - BPA-Free Water Bottle - 12oz, click the featured item link above.