Gerber Gear Suspension 12-in-1 Needle Nose Pliers Multi-tool with Tool Lock - Multi-Plier Wire Cutter Crosspoint and Flathead Screwdriver Set Small Scissors

12-IN-1 MULTI-TOOL: Features spring-loaded needle nose pliers, wire cutters, serrated and plain edge blades knife set, cross driver and flat head small screwdriver set, can opener, bottle opener, trimming scissors, tool lock, and lanyard hole. SURVIVAL GEAR AND EQUIPMENT: Made from stainless steel with an aluminum handle that will stand the test of time and conveniently travel with you with a tool lock and lanyard hole. SLIM DESIGN: Easily accessible and fits compactly in a pocket or attached with the included lanyard hole; Butterfly opening and locking feature protects when not in use; Included sheath protects tool when not in use. CAMPING ACCESSORIES: Great for any hunter, tradesman, and the everyday carry consumer; Perfect addition to camping essentials, toolbox, work wear, and fishing and hiking gear. CONVENIENT SIZE: ‎1 x 4 x 6 inches length; 9.6 oz weight; Backed by the Gerber Guarantee, a limited lifetime warranty. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Gerber, or the term Gear, the word Suspension, the term Needle, the word Nose, the term Pliers, the word Multi or some other term.

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Price: $40.00
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