Rockwell 4-1 2” Compact Circular Saw 5 amps 3500 rpm with Dust Port and Starter Kit– RK3441K Black

[MORE MANEUVERABILITY] All the functionality of a full-size circular saw but in a compact design that’s easier to use, and easier to make quick cuts with. [REAR MOTOR] For a more balanced feel. With the motor in the handle, you control much of the weight of the saw with just the palm of your hand for smoother movements. [EASY DEPTH SETTING] The readily accessible adjustment lever lets you change the cut on the fly, and the bevel adjustment lever enables you to make cuts from 0-45°. [SPINDLE LOCK BUTTON] For quick and safe blade changes. Just grab the included blade key and switch out any brand’s 4-1/2” blade. [IMPROVED BLADE VISIBILITY] The left-handed blade housing allows you to see exactly where you’re cutting, for straighter, more accurate cuts. [BUILT-IN VAC PORT] Hook up a dust-vac and pull debris right out of the air while the saw is in use—this feature significantly improves visibility and air quality. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Rockwell, or the term 2”, the word Compact, the term Circular, the word Saw, the term 3500, the word rpm or some other term.

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Price: $99.98
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