SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA 17 Laptop Backpack Black 19-Inch

Tech Backpack: Pack all your essentials in the 1900 ScanSmart 17-inch laptop backpack specifically designed to speed you through airport security by allowing laptop-in-case scanning. Secure Storage: This laptop backpack for men and women features an enhanced laptop compartment with zippered access for a 17-inch laptop and a padded TabletSafe tablet pocket. Effortless Organization: Computer bag includes a main compartment with an accordion file holder and a RFID-protected organizer compartment with a removable key/fob clip and multiple divider pockets. Multiple Pockets: Add-a-bag trolley strap slides over telescopic handles, 1 front and 2 side quick-access pocket secure essentials, and 2 mesh side pockets accommodate water bottles and umbrellas. Comfortable To Carry: Lay-flat laptop bag includes ergonomically contoured, padded shoulder straps, adjustable compression straps, airflow back padding, and a reinforced, molded top handle. Compartment Dimensions: Laptop compartment - 14.5" x 11" x 1.5"; Tablet Pocket Capacity - 10" x 7"; Bag volume - 31 L. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word SwissGear, or the term 1900, the word Scansmart, the term TSA, the word Laptop, the term Backpack, the word Black or some other term.

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Price: $89.99
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