Verbatim DVD+RW Blank Discs 4.7GB 4X Recordable Discs - 30pk Spindle 94834Silver

30 high-grade rewritable DVD+RW discs with a one hundred year archival life and OEM drive certified. Utilizes Super Eutectic Recording Layer (SERL) recording dye, which minimizes noise during write/rewrite cycles and provides superior archival stability. 4.7GB is ideal for storing digital images, music, video and more. Each DVD+R allows you to store up to 1550 photos or more than 120 minutes of 720p video. Compatible with most DVD-R and DVD+R drives including Pioneer, Apple, Sony, Dell, LG, HP, Lenovo and others. Verbatim has been a leader in data storage technology since 1969, and guarantees this product with a limited lifetime warranty and technical support. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Verbatim, or the term DVD, the word RW, the term Blank, the word Discs, the term 7GB, the word 4X or some other term.

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Price: $20.64
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