Pyle 2-in-1 Cassette-to-MP3 Converter Player Recorder - Portable Battery Powered Tape Audio Digitizer USB Walkman Cassette Player with Manual Auto Record

2-IN-1 PLAYER RECORDER: It’s a 2-in-1 cassette-to-MP3 player and recorder that can convert your old tape cassette into Digital MP3 Files. It’s designed like an old school cassette player and very handy for listening on computer, iPod, or in the car. USB CASSETTE PLAYER: This portable converter cassette player is also a USB reader. Simply save files to USB or flash drive, no computers required. It is also battery operated and requires 2 x ‘AA’ batteries to work. 3.5MM AUX JACK: It has a 3.5mm aux jack connection interface. The aux input is used for direct recording from connected external devices. And the aux output is used for connecting headphones and listening to cassette tapes. MANUAL RECORDING: This Walkman cassette recorder has 2 modes of recording - record in manual and auto record. To record manually, make sure the cassette is on standby mode with the green light in simply pressing the record button. AUTOMATIC RECORDING: Automatic recording is when the cassette automatically detects the interval of songs and records it into 2 files. For example, if there are 6 songs at side A(or B) just press record button and after the songs played it will auto save. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Pyle, or the term Cassette, the word MP3, the term Converter, the word Player, the term Recorder, the word Portable or some other term.

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Price: $18.76
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For additional information on Pyle 2-in-1 Cassette-to-MP3 Converter Player Recorder - Portable Battery Powered Tape Audio Digitizer USB Walkman Cassette Player with Manual Auto Record, click the featured item link above.