Chemical Guys HOL148 10-Piece Arsenal Builder Car Wash Kit with Foam Gun Bucket 4 Towels Wash Mitt and 3 16 oz Car Cleaning Chemicals Works w Garden Hose

FOAMY FUN: If you love cars, then a clean car brings you nothing but happiness. This kit not only has everything you need to keep the exterior of your car looking great, but it also has the tools to make cleaning your car fast, easy and fun for the entire family. The Foam Gun hooks up to any standard hose, so there are no additional tools or machines required to produce foamy fun. BEGINNER & PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY: You don’t have to be a car detailer to have a clean car. You just need the right products and a little bit of time, and your car can be the envy of your neighbors. Chemical Guys has an extensive YouTube library with educational videos to learn how to clean and detail cars and effectively use their products. WORKS WITH A STANDARD GARDEN HOSE: This kit DOES NOT hook up to a pressure washer (if you are looking for a solution for a pressure washer, the part number is HOL169). This kit works with a standard garden hose. NEED HELP: Contact Chemical Guys’ customer service for help with this product or questions about product usage.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Chemical, or the term Guys, the word HOL148, the term Piece, the word Arsenal, the term Builder, the word Car or some other term.

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For additional information on Chemical Guys HOL148 10-Piece Arsenal Builder Car Wash Kit with Foam Gun Bucket 4 Towels Wash Mitt and 3 16 oz Car Cleaning Chemicals Works w Garden Hose, click the featured item link above.