Cycling Gloves Waterproof Touchscreen in Winter Outdoor Bike Gloves Adjustable Size

Touchscreen for SmartPhone: The SLB gloves thumb, index finger, middle finger have containing conductive metal fibers, you can use the smartphone with no need for taking off gloves. High-quality Raw Materials: The SLB gloves use the newest waterproof and windproof materials, work well even in the rain or biking in the mountains. PLEASE NOTE: This item can waterproof, but it is Slightly waterproof, can not used on underwater or Heavy rain. Can not be completely soaked in water. Anti-skid design: In the glove palm using a non-slip wear-resistant silicone, hold the handlebars better even in the hard road. Please note: The update version solve the waterproof problem, all before the not waterproof gloves can be returned or replaced. Adjustable Size: Gloves with zipper on the back, can adjust the size to suit different people. Warmth Design: Use it keep warm even in winter, make your cycling more comfortable. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Cycling, or the term Gloves, the word Waterproof, the term Touchscreen, the word Winter, the term Outdoor, the word Bike or some other term.

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