16-Ounce Claw Hammer - Basic Hand Tool for DIY and Woodworking with Natural Wood Anti-Vibration Handle and Drop-Forged Steel Head by Stalwart

16 OZ HAMMER – This wooden hammer weighs just 16-ounces, making it the perfect addition to any home tool kit for everyday repairs, woodworking, or light industrial use. The lighter weight makes it easier to swing and helps reduce the chance of injury. SMART DESIGN - The rear of the framing hammer head features a deep-curve claw that will give you ample leverage to remove tacks and nails. The ends of the claw are chiseled to help remove stubborn nails. STRONG CONSTRUCTION - The head of this small hammer is made of durable drop-forged and heat-treated steel that is attached to the polished hardwood handle with a strong epoxy, so you can be sure that this hand tool will last for years to come. SECURE HANDLE - The anti-vibration handle on the carpenter hammer is contoured to fit your hand comfortably. It's made of polished hardwood that has natural anti-vibration properties to reduce user fatigue and the chance of injury. PRODUCT DETAILS - Materials: Natural Hardwood, Epoxy, and Drop-Forged Heat-Treated Steel. Dimensions: (L) 13” x (W) 5.25” x (H) 1.25”.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Claw, or the term Hammer, the word Basic, the term Hand, the word Tool, the term DIY, the word Woodworking or some other term.

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Price: $9.45
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