ABN Bearing Race and Seal Bush Driver Set with Carrying Case – Master Universal Kit for Automotive Wheel Bearings

Practical: The ABN Bearing Race and Seal Bush Driver Set with Carrying Case – Master / Universal Kit for Automotive Wheel Bearings allows for easy race seal installation without damaging the axle housing. Sizes: Includes 1 driver and 9 collar/discs: 1.565", 1.750", 1.965", 2.325", 2.470", 2.555", 2.830", 2.995", 3.180"; Listed diameter is the diameter at the larger top side of the taper, not the end closest to the handle. Compatible: Collars fit standard race sizes used in most wheel bearing applications. Durable: Constructed from high-strength aluminum for extra strength and longevity; Won't mar the bearing. Easy Storage: Heavy-duty 10” x 5.8” x 4” (25.4cm x 14.7cm x 10.2cm) blow-molded plastic carrying case for easy transport, simple storage, and quick organization. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word ABN, or the term Bearing, the word Race, the term Seal, the word Bush, the term Driver, the word Set or some other term.

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Price: $34.99
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