Clean Revolution- One Multi-Surface Refill Pod Dreamy Citrus Scent Makes 6 bottles 84 total oz Plant-Based Non-Toxic Biodegradable Eco-Friendly Cleaner

CLEAN, ECO-FRIENDLY & NON-TOXIC: Clean Revolution delivers premium, eco-friendly cleaning products made with real essential oils and ingredients that qualify for EPA’s Award Winning Safer Choice Program which highlights products that are less toxic, biodegradable and not as harmful to aquatic life. POWERHOUSE FORMULA: Clean Revolution Multi-Surface Cleaner features a tough and effective PH Neutral formula that’s safe for any and all surfaces where you can spray water, easily eliminating grease, grime, food stains, soap scum and hard water spots. MULTI-SURFACE & MULTI-USE: Our Multi-Surface Cleaner is an everyday cleaner spray that can also be used as an effective laundry pre-spotter and spot cleaner on carpets and fabric, and features a nature-inspired scent derived from real essentials oils. JUST ADD WATER: Most cleaners are 90% water. Clean Revolution Refill Pods are different. Our Refill Pods deliver exceptional value with 1 concentrate pod making 6 full bottles of cleaner, eliminating the need for individual single-use bottles and creating less plastic waste. Designed to be used with Clean Revolution Multi-Surface Cleaner reusable spray bottle, simply twist the pod to the base of the bottle, push down to release concentrate and slowly add water to the top. IRRESISTIBLE NATURE-INSPIRED FRAGRANCE: Dreamy Citrus has the invigorating scent of sparkling bergamot and luscious tangerine splashes over bold satsuma orange and sweet mandarin, accented with fresh cut ginger.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Clean, or the term Revolution, the word Multi, the term Surface, the word Refill, the term Pod, the word Dreamy or some other term.

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For additional information on Clean Revolution- One Multi-Surface Refill Pod Dreamy Citrus Scent Makes 6 bottles 84 total oz Plant-Based Non-Toxic Biodegradable Eco-Friendly Cleaner, click the featured item link above.