BetterVent Indoor Dryer Vent Kit Made in the USA Protect Indoor Air Quality and Save Energy with a Superior Dryer Lint Filter Electric Dryers Only

SUPERIOR QUALITY DRYER VENT KIT – Capture lint, dust, pet hair and more with the energy-efficient, cost-saving BetterVent indoor dryer vent kit for electric dryer. With a stainless steel pre-filter screen and a polyester filter, this high-quality dryer vent kit traps the finest dust particles. Perfect for renters and homeowners, this double filter system ensures a healthy indoor environment. MADE IN THE USA – Sustainable and built to last, BetterVent dryer vents are manufactured in the United States of America. Save energy, time and money with this long-lasting, high-quality indoor dryer vent kit. NO WATER NEEDED & ENERGY EFFICIENT – The BetterVent patented double filter system has no water requirement, eliminating messy cleanups. Dry clothes faster and increase savings in colder months by returning warm dryer air into the room. SAFETY ALERT FEATURE – Don’t worry about forgetting to clean the screen or dryer filter. The patent-pending Safety Vent Flap will automatically open to keep your dryer from overheating until maintenance is performed. Once your flap is calibrated correctly, it will only open when approximately 80% of the airflow is restricted. If you notice that your dryer is taking longer to dry your clothes, it is time to change the filter. COMPLETE VENT KIT – Everything you will need to quickly install and use your BetterVent indoor dryer vent is provided. This dryer hose vent kit includes instructions, mounting hardware, 4 calibration weights, and 2 polyester filters. The kit DOES NOT include the transition duct hose. Easily vacuum clean the filters for extended use. Compatible with electric dryers only.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word BetterVent, or the term Indoor, the word Dryer, the term Vent, the word Kit, the term Made, the word USA or some other term.

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Price: $66.98
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