Swurfer Coconut Toddler Swing – Comfy Baby Outdoor 3- Point Adjustable Safety Harness Secure Safe Quick Locking System Blister-Free Rope Easy Installation

Sleek modern design: The shape of the swing ensures comfort and safety. The soft braided rope was specifically selected to be gentle on hands. Holds up to 50 lbs Swing for backyard or indoor swing: Use it on a swing set, under a tree, on the front porch, or even in the baby’s room - this swing for little kids is perfect for any play situation. 3-point safety harness: Swing can be adjusted to your toddler or one year old alike ensuring they are held in the seat at all times. Fabric harness is adjustable and super soft against the skin compared to plastic. Simple and Safe Set Up: Swing hanging hardware and everything you need to start swinging is included. Harness straps are adjustable to two different height settings to grow with your child. 1-year 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand behind all our swings. For any reason, you aren’t happy with this amazing kids swing - we will make it right. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word Swurfer, or the term Coconut, the word Toddler, the term Swing, the word Comfy, the term Baby, the word Outdoor or some other term.

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Price: $40.94
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