uni USB-C to Ethernet Adapter 2.5 Gbps Blazing Fast Type-C Thunderbolt 4 3 Compatible to RJ45 Adapter Sturdy Aluminum Gigabit Network Adapter for MacBook

[FUTURE-PROOF 2.5Gbps] - 2.5 Gigabit network runs 2.5x faster than 1 Gbps and is backward compatible with 1000/100/10 Mbps. Upgrade your speed with the uni USB-C to Ethernet Adapter and unleash the speedy transfer of your NAS while build your personal cloud. (Note: to achieve 2.5G, please make sure all your devices support 2.5G). [SMART CHIP RTL8156B] - The RTL8156B is responsible for smooth data transfer while consuming less power and reducing heat. It ensures stable, continuous load over a long period of time, and less heat generation prolongs the product's lifetime. [UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY] - uni 2.5G Thunderbolt 3 to LAN Adapter works with various devices & systems, share the same adapter for multiple devices. Compatible with MacBook Pro /Air 2023, Mac mini M2, HP Envy x360, Dell XPS 13/15/17 and more laptops and PCs. Take this USB-C to Ethernet Adapter on business trip, lighten your travel bag, keep the signal strong. (See user manual for more compatibility information). [NIFTY DESIGN FOR USE] - Sleek and rounded design of uni 2.5 Gbps Ethernet Adapter is portable without scratching other items. The longer braided nylon cable prevents signal interference of Bluetooth peripherals while extend the lifespan. [INTIMATE TECHNICAL SUPPORT] - uni USB C to Network Adapter comes with a hassle-free 18-month warranty and 24/7 professional customer support. If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us. We stand behind our products and customers to ensure satisfaction.. Below, you may search for similar products using preset search terms. These preset terms are sometimes derived from the name of the product, such as the word uni, or the term USB, the word Ethernet, the term Adapter, the word Gbps, the term Blazing, the word Fast or some other term.

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Price: $27.99
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For additional information on uni USB-C to Ethernet Adapter 2.5 Gbps Blazing Fast Type-C Thunderbolt 4 3 Compatible to RJ45 Adapter Sturdy Aluminum Gigabit Network Adapter for MacBook, click the featured item link above.